Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Finally a day to be outside and play! Not even wearing a coat this afternoon! Here are just a few pics of the cutest little leprechaun in Heyworth!

Cutest little butt. If this isn't a Levi's commercial, I don't know what is!

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's been a LONG winter! We are very ready for spring at the Zellers' household! Great Grandma and Great Grandpa also get cabin fever, so we spent some time with them over the past couple of weeks. Two of Caleb's favorite things to do at their house is play with the turtle, and eat cookies out of the cookie jar. He knows right where the cookie jar is, and has Great Grandpa trained to help him out.

Great Grandma is pretty good at reading stories. It's almost like she has a little experience. :)

Playing peek-a-boo!

Something else Caleb has grown fond of is wearing big people's shoes. Here he's testing out Grandpa's boots.
"I need a little help to walk, Grandpa."

Mom's boots are OK too. Tough to stand up or move very far though.

The first sign of warm weather, we were off to the park. The Thompson boys came to visit, we wish they lived closer!!

This is as close as we could get to getting a picture of Reid and Caleb in the same spot! These boys are on the different directions!!