What a difference a year makes!! This is Caleb with Tom the Turkey last year...

...and this is Caleb with Tom THIS year!! We could hardly get him to hold still for the picture. The past year has flown by, but we're really looking forward to the holidays this year. We just put our tree up tonight, and so far, so good. He hasn't touched anything, but seems to be slightly annoyed that it's in his play area!

We spent Thanksgiving in Springfield where he got plenty of attention from Aunt Kristen and Grandpa!

One of Caleb's favorite things to do at Grandpa and Grandma Zellers' house is to play the piano. He just needs a little help getting up on the bench.
Awwwwwwwwwww this brought tears to my eyes! Glad to see all are doing fine. Have been having laser surgery to cauterize the blood vessels in my eyes, then will have to see the eye doctor again to see how much my eyes have changed, then hopefully, can go back to work!!!! Love you all!!!!