Well, this has proved to be a very busy summer. We have been on the go every weekend! It's hard to believe Caleb turned 11 months old last week and we are working on planning his first birthday party.
Caleb is working on getting a few more teeth, and is perfecting his walking. He does a pretty good job, although he has figured out that crawling is still faster at this point.
Below is his friend and neighbor Katelyn. He let her sit in his car, but was right there to show her how it works.
He steals bites from Dad when ever he gets the chance!

One of Caleb's new things is "So Big". Here he is showing us how big he is.

This was 4th of July. Grandpa brought over some "fireworks" for Caleb. He wasn't too sure about this. We also took him to the fireworks display in Heyworth. He wasn't scared at all, but not too interested either. I think next year will be a lot different.
Caleb practicing walking. He practices walking between Mom and Dad almost every night. Once he makes it across, he turns and claps for himself!
Swimming lessons have been a lot of fun for Dad and Caleb. They have been going every Thursday night for the last 4 weeks. As you can see he loves the water and likes to splash and play the entire time.
Waiting patiently for instructions.
Kick, Kick, Kick!
He has no fear when it comes to jumping off the side.

Dad dunks him sometimes too!

All done until next week!

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