Grandma came to Kindermusik last week. Caleb liked showing her how to shake the instruments. It was a fun day for both of them!

Caleb was invited to his first Birthday party last month. His good friend Chloe turned 1!! He was very excited to get his party bucket.

And to eat the ice cream and cake!!

Caleb and the Birthday Girl!

Caleb had fun visiting Grandpa at work. Lots for him to "explore".

We also spent some time visiting with Great Grandma and Grandpa. I'm not sure who has more fun.

Caleb and Grandma were playing hide and go seek around the car.

Caleb and Great Grandpa are buddies.

Dad had to drop the crib mattress all the way down because Caleb is starting to pull himself up. Here he is peeking through his bars.
He just can't get enough of watching Wheel of Fortune.

We borrowed a walker from the neighbor, and Caleb loves his new found freedom!! He particularly likes waving at the little boy in the oven door!
Caleb~~~~You are such a handsome lil guy!!!!!