These are just a few shots from the last week. Caleb likes sitting in the laundry basket right when it comes out of the dryer, when it's nice and warm. It will be nice when he wants to start helping me fold it too!

He is in his 6 month clothes now, so we have been trying on outfits to see what fits, and what is still a little big. Here he was sporting his new Nike's. Such a big boy!

Caleb truly loves bath time. In the video you will see how he likes to drink some of the water after we are done rinsing his hair. He would do this for as long as we would let him. I think he's going to be our water baby. I hope this love of bath time translates into a good swimmer some day!
Awwwwwwwwwww what a lil funny bunny!!! Lori and Andy, I just love seeing these videos!!! Caleb is such a natural ham at them!!! Lil Nike's huh~~~his daddy had some when he was little too. Love, Aunt Mary